Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday Nov 10

Yesterday I found myself having to add calories to my body at the end of the day. After dinner I had only consumed 700 calories or so the entire day. I don't want to trick my body into starvation mode. I do expect to plateau somewhat but I don't want to shut down completely. As my wife Cecelia said late last night you have to feed the burn, and she is right.
Today I will target 1,500 calories and do a light workout at the gym. I'll concentrate on salad, vegetables, turkey and my protein shakes. Yesterday I received two compliments, one was out of the blue, at the gym. This feedback is very rewarding.

5:00 am Protein shake, Muscle Milk 150 calories.
7:00 am One corn tortilla, one egg white, 2 ounces ground turkey sauteed together with fresh spinach w/olive oil. 200 calories.
10:30 am Breakfast burrito, 270 calories.
1:30 pm Protein shake, 110 calories.
5:30 pm Turkey meatball soup with mushrooms, garlic, onions, carrots, fresh spinach added before serving. 8 oz turkey 300 calories, Angel hair pasta, 50 calories, veggies and broth negligible. I'm assigning 400 calories to this big bowl of soup.
8:30 pm Turkey Roll. 1/2 lavash bread, 2 oz turkey, lettuce, humus. 200 calories.

1,330 calories consumed - 200 calories expended during workout = 1,130 calories net for today!

Partial list of ingredients for the soup.

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