Wednesday, September 5, 2012

11 Month Mark!

Portion control and multiple meals that include better carbs and protein. This is the way I eat now.

I see myself backsliding when it comes to cheese. I have convinced myself sprinkling a little grated cheese over a bowl of soup or scrambled eggs is okay. Cheese has even found its way onto my hamburgers now more often than not.

One thing I have pushed at the gym is abdominal work. I am on the ab bench for about 10 minutes and the results are evident. (to me)

The next push is to include much more veggies and fruit along with whole grain breads and much more H20.

As it stands I have lost between 30 and 35 pounds in the 11 months and added a bit of muscle.

I'll only lose weight from here....... Never going back to size 42 waist. 38's fit a but tight but I am working on it.......