Monday, November 21, 2011

Dieting Around Fast Food, Is It Possible?

Here is an interesting look at 'healthier' fast food choices by the Cleveland Clinic.

Back to the gym today. Also, I think I saw a rib today or maybe it was just a shadow. :-)
*My gym workout was a thorough circuit between modified cardio and light to medium weights. Eight machines total, some I completed two or more sets on. Total time in the gym, 45 minutes. Easily a 200 calorie burn.
*I have started taking a plant based dietary enzyme once every other day. The initial response from my body has been to eliminate more waste than I ever have in my life. I'm not sold yet on the enzymes but we'll see how it goes. Anyone else have feedback on dietary enzymes?

5:30 Protein Shake 110 calories.
8:30 1/2 Peanut Butter Sandwich 2 tbsp peanut butter, One slice of whole wheat bread. 250 calories.
Noon 1/2 cup broccoli 1/4 cup rice, 1 ounce orange chicken, 150 calories.
3:00 Protein Shake 150 calories, 10 Edamame crackers 40 calories.
6:00 6 ounces chicken breast, asparagus, mushroom, onion sauteed together in tablespoon of olive oil. 300 calories total. (1,010 through dinner)
8:25 2 tablespoons chunky peanut butter 190 calories.

1,200 calories consumed - 200 burned at the gym = 1,000 net calories for the day!!

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