Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why The Blog?

Hi, I'm Mike. I am 55 years old and carry too much weight. Like many overweight people I really don't overeat. If you are thin you won't believe that statement. If you are overweight you probably understand. The last 25 pounds I put on were added without potato chips, fried foods, trans fats, alcohol or binging.

The image above was taken at Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park on November 6, 2010. I had hip joint replacement surgery two weeks after this picture was taken. My right hip had been repIaced three months earlier. I weighed 274 pounds going into the second surgery.

 It was at that point I decided I would not look at a scale and I still have not 11 months later.

In June of this year my wife peaked as O was being weighed in my doctor's office, I refused to look but she was shocked. Weeks later I asked what it said and she told me it was 280. For my purposes this is the starting weight.

 At some point in the future I will step on a scale but not before I fit comfortably in a size 38 waist pair of jeans. This should see me at under 220 pounds and at that point I'll reassess my goals. So why the blog? If I commit to this project in a public way I am more likely to follow through. The second reason is I might inspire another person or more than one person to join me. If I get a committed weight loss partner I know I will do better than fighting this alone. If no one wants to join in or share that's OK, I am doing this.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to be your partner in this Mike. Although the plan is different, I have the same approach. Eat smart calories in good measure and avoid the not-so-smart calories as much as possible. I could use your inspiration re exercise. Maybe I can share some of our recipes too.
