Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wed. Oct. 19

5:30 am Muscle Milk Light 8.25 oz. 150 cals (20 grams protein)
8:00 am One small tortilla, two egg burrito. 240 cals.
2:00 pm Take out burger, small, no cheese or mayo 310 cals
5:30 pm Taking my wife out to dinner with our son Mathew.
I intend to split a 9 oz flank steak with my wife. I'll have a salad and am debating whether to take my half of a baked potato. Hopefully I can get out under 900 calories...
Let's see how dinner out broke down. 5 oz Skirt Steak (grilled). This measures out at just under 300 calories, One Dinner Roll 80 cals,  1/2 Baked Potato 80 calories w/ 2 tbsp sour cream 120 cals, small green salad w/ vinegar and oil dressing 150 cals. Adds up to 730 calories TOTAL!
9:00pm Tablespoon peanut butter 150 cals.

About 1,550 calories taken in and 300 worked off = net 1,250 calories today.

Exercise today. I visited the gym twice today. The first workout at noon was abbreviated because I was weak from hunger so I did not push it. After lunch and some household chores I returned to the gym and completed the workout started earlier and added a couple of sets on additional machines.
I estimate I burned a full 300 calories today between both visits.

Deconstructing the fast food hamburger. 
If you took the ingredients of an In-N-Out hamburger and laid it out on a plate and presented it to someone as a meal it would be termed by most as austere, scimpy, and they would be right. The calorie count for the bun, meat, vegetables and condiments (without the standard mayonnaise spread) totals 310 calories. In-N-Out makes this claim in there calorie chart.
Every time I tell someone I'm on a diet AND that I grabbed a hamburger for lunch I get gasps or looks of disbelief. Break it down. If you are limiting yourself to 1,500 calories per day and one of your meals is totals just north of 300 calories I would judge that a winner.
Granted the pie chart is tilted fats and carbs but for my purposes I cannot knit pick, every ingredient in every bite of food.

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