Saturday, February 4, 2012

Follow Through

This morning the (normally) dreaded home scale reported back with some very positive news for the second straight day. Two and a half more pounds disappeared overnight.

I confess ignorance to workings of my metabolism and the inner workings of how the body burns calories. The only thing I have done differently in the past week is adding more fruit to the daily intake. At the gym I am spending time on the boxing speed bag but only a few minutes on that really.

No matter, I'll take it. If I can peel off another 5 pounds before March 1 I know my goal weight for June will certainly be attainable. Thank God the initial heavy lifting is over. Smooth sailing ahead all considered.

Friday, February 3, 2012


As I carry on with the pursuit of a healthier and slimmer body I have modified my basic eating routine. Breakfast is now mostly fruit and non fat milk with less than a cup of Special K or Fiber One cereal.

Dinner now is centered more on vegetables. I stir fry asparagus, onion, squash and spinach together with just enough rice to coat the veggies.

The breakthrough referred to in the title has to do with a weight plateau break through. I've been stuck for more than two weeks in a one to two pound range but today the scale showed a full TWO pound drop.

My daily visits to the gym are not in vane. I knew this would come. My clothes are draping over me. I'm loving this challenge and the results!!